Hi very welcome to all of you.
Review is a very popular SEO tool that I will be reviewing in this video in detail to let you know if I think this is a good option for you or not I also have some very special bonuses for you available all of this is coming up right now okay let's get started
right away I'm on the website of the SEO tool I'll leave some links below in the description so you can check it out for yourself.

Now why you need an SEO - now if you want to do search engine optimization this used to be a very simple when I first started off doing business online the SEO used to be very easy you
basically just had to do a little bit of on-page SEO just have a few backlinks from no matter it didn't really matter where they came from Google didn't pay attention to that at that time but over the years Google has become smarter and more strict and so now SEO has become very complicated so if you want to do well with SEO and I'm talking about SEO for your website your blog your YouTube videos you really need to do proper SEO because there's a lot of competition out there so if you want to do well and be successful then you need to do your SEO and in order to do SEO properly you really need to have a tool and mangles is a very good option it's definitely not the most complicated sophisticated tool out there but it is a very practical tool because I do think that if you want to go really deep into analysis of everything then maybe another tool is better but if you're doing online marketing and you're busy and you want to promote your product services affiliate products whatever it is you want to be focusing on your business and you want to have a nice straightforward simple SEO tool that will help you to achieve your goals and I think mangles is a very good option for that now what is so great about


is that it really comes it's basically five different software's all-in-one so you have the backlink analysis the website analysis this of course is the big one the keyword research the search engine results analysis and the rank tracking now the great thing is for just one fee you have five softwares in one so it's going to make your life a lot easier in terms of practical everything is in one system but also financially because you only have to get one
software and you have all these five different software's all in one now what is included in the in the 


SEO tool well the big one is a keyword finder let's just go to the keyword finder let's just do a test let's say click funnels which is a very popular at the moment and it's just do a search okay I'm just here in the test account.

let's if trick funnels so basically you have all these different softwares all-in-one and the
keyword research definitely is the big one because you do need to do your keyword. 


In keyword research because that is where it all starts if you want to rank any webpages on Google and if you're just going to do very a very difficult high competition keywords such as click funnels or or cartridge or how to how to do SEO and so on big keywords is going to be very very difficult so you need to start to do research and you need to start to find long term longtail keywords so longer tail keywords not just the click funnels but how do you use click funnels in a certain blah blah blah you know like this but if you are going to do do the research by yourself without a tool you can do it but it is not going to be very accurate because what you need to have you can see here what they do in the system you need to have data you need to have information and what is great is that they are going to show you exactly how many searches there are per month for that keyword because you want to choose a keyword that has enough searches you don't want to go to too narrow and not have enough searches per month so it needs to have enough searches and but the competition needs to be reasonably low and the great thing is they have a grading system so yellow is is okay but green is the best, green is below 50 that's their well below 50 is that's their internal grading system so you can start to do all your keyword research if you want to have a blog post that that's going that you want to have ranked on Google you can do all your research very quickly here and you can choose your longtail keyword very quickly and easily in this SEO software and then you can start to look at which one is the best then you can start look at the grading so definitely choose one that that will be green there will be low competition but still has enough search engine rankings now that is the definitely the big one that's where it all starts with but then also of course you need to do your have a full website analysis which they're going to do a full profile of your website and they're going to show you all the details that you need to know your authority the trust the referring links and so on is going to do a full review of your complete website so that is very very important.


it's also going to do a an analysis of your search engine result pages so you can look at your own website you can look at your competition what are they doing what are they doing right or how can you copy what they're doing so really really important stuff then also definitely if you want to rank highly on Google you need to do your back a backlink analysis backlinks are still very very important but they are difficult to get so you need to have a backlink tool that will show you where you can get your backlinks and the best way to do it is just to go and look at what is your successful competition doing so find your your competitors who are successful and that you want to beat basically and put them in this tool and you will see which websites are linking to them and then you can go and contact those websites so you can see here that you can go and contact those websites and ask for a link to your website because they're already linking to somebody in a similar industry so there's a good chance that they will link back to you and with this tool you can see exactly where they get their links from and you can try to get a link yourself so really really important stuff and also you can do ranked tracking I mean I've done rank tracking for my different websites and it take so much time so this is going to you just put in your your keywords and you can keep track of your rankings and basically that's the goal of SEO is to see to see if it's missed my ranking on Google improving or or not so instead of having to do everything manually you can just set this up in this system and you can see exactly what is going what is going on if you're doing things right or not and you can adjust accordingly so really really a lot of stuff included in this one software five different software's all in one now let's take a look at the pricing now this is you can see here if you do an annual plan you have immediately about 40% off which is a really really good deal so you can start from just twenty nine ninety per it's definitely an affordable software and if you if you keep in mind that this is a five software's all-in-one.

I think this is a pretty good deal so they have so many different features now the best thing for you to do is to go down to the link in the description below and and get yourself a free trial so you can try it out for yourself because that's the best way to get to know this software and see all the potential that it has now I did mention that I was going to talk about a very special bonus that I have for you so if you decide to get this tool or even just a free trial then I have some very special bonuses for you this is these are the bonuses now the first bonus is the big one that's the one I use all the time to get to get free traffic to it's a cutting-edge free Google traffic course and these are free lessons on how to get unlimited income from both the YouTube and Google these are the techniques that I'm using myself all the time so this is a very very valuable also you will get my free how to become successful online training which is the building blocks of how a successful online business and also I'm giving away to email marketing courses as well so you can have all of these if you just just get it by getting a trial of the system you can get all of this for free as your bonus so do check it out all......





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